Automate workflows and batch processes end-to-end across all your SAP and non-SAP environments.
Automate SAP business workflows and processes in SAP and non-SAP applications and software.
Trusted by SAP for over two decades, RunMyJobs holds the most SAP certifications and offers pre-built SAP job templates and integrations.
RunMyJobs is a cloud-native SaaS platform guaranteeing 99.95% uptime, one-click updates and limitless connectivity across any tech stack.
Now and in the future, connect across any SAP or non-SAP application or system without special software or infrastructure installations.
Pre-built SAP connectors and APIs let you integrate workflow steps from other applications and systems with no customization or special coding.
Our proven migration process gives your team a dedicated support team running controlled, agile job sprints, allowing you to test and guarantee accuracy before launch.
SAP workflows are a sequence of tasks and steps that are necessary to complete business processes. Workflow processes can involve manual tasks or automatic system actions (such as sending notifications and updating records).
Workflow automation helps businesses take out the manual processes by automating administrative, clerical and other tasks that make up a workflow. This helps minimize or eliminate human intervention, increasing efficiency, reducing errors and speeding up the process.
Businesses can streamline the process flow, reduce costs and improve overall productivity with a solution like RunMyJobs by Redwood.
No matter the system or tech stack you are working with, RunMyJobs offers end-to-end orchestration bringing together workflow automation steps while enabling you to monitor everything from a single pane of glass all while maintaining a clean core.
Effortlessly manage automated workflows and dependencies across any endpoint with deployment options that include full SaaS solution, public cloud or private cloud instances on a hyperscaler or hosted by SAP. RunMyJobs by Redwood offers a no-code solution that integrates with SAP S/4HANA and maintains a clean core.
Streamline your workflow automation with reusable process steps, sequences and other features that automate repetitive tasks with ease within your SAP and non-SAP environment.
Designed to work across a wide range of apps, platforms and cloud services. RunMyJobs can integrate with SAP and non-SAP environments, offering broader connectivity options for automating workflows across diverse IT landscapes.
Get instant access to new SAP integrations and features in the RunMyJobs Connector Catalog, ensuring you always have the latest developments.
Workflow automation is used to streamline and automate business processes, ensuring tasks and information flow efficiently between various stakeholders according to predefined business rules. Automating your SAP workflows minimizes manual efforts, reduces errors and accelerates process execution, thereby enhancing overall organizational efficiency and productivity.
SAP workflow works by automating business processes, where tasks automatically pass from one participant to another in a sequence defined by a set of step-by-step business rules. It involves creating a workflow template that outlines the steps, decision points and participants involved in the process. When a specific event triggers the workflow (such as a purchase order creation), the system automatically sends notifications to the relevant users, guides them through their tasks, and ensures effective and consistent process completion.
RunMyJobs by Redwood lets you automate workflows and batch processes, monitor every process flow and receive real-time updates across both your SAP and non-SAP systems in a single pane of glass. RunMyJobs offers pre-built connectors that let you integrate seamlessly across any system and all SAP modules without custom code, helping you maintain a clean core.